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Custom Funnel & Drop Tube & Cal Adaptor-30 Set

Custom Funnel & Drop Tube & Cal Adaptor-30 Set


The advantages of the Sudami Funnel drop tube and caliber adaptor
The Sudami Funnel drop tube and caliber adaptor is used to improve case capacity when dropping the powder in the case by the means of the funnel. The designed length of the flow tube is critical of how the powder is stacked when dropped in. The caliber adaptor fits snugly over the case mouth. On a typical .308 Win case tests have shown between 1.3mm saving on stacked powder volume. For example 44gr of S335 normal funnel = 44.8mm with Sudami Funnel and drop tube = 43.6mm stacked. The whole set is made out of solid aluminum and is anti-electro static. It also helps to improve on Standard deviation and Extreme spreads of your load. Better burning powder means more accuracy of your load. This is a quality tool for the novice and serious precision reloaders.

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SKU: SCDTCA-30set Category:

Additional information

Weight 0.050 kg